Charter Advisory Council
Yuba County Career Preparatory Charter School - Material Revision Charter Document
“Yuba County Career Preparatory Charter School - Material Revision Charter Document” Dated April 15, 2024 states that role of the Charter Advisory Council (CAC) is as follows:
Student, parent, and community involvement in operating YCCPCS is integral to ensuring the school program addresses the needs, concerns, and expectations of the students, families, and communities of students served as defined in Education Code 47605(c)(5)(D).As outlined in the Bylaws, the CAC has not less than five members: the school administrator, two (2) staff members, one (1) student, and up to three (3) parents/community members who reflect the demographic population served. The CAC is the advisory body for charter school business and any mandated partner input, e.g., the LCAP educational partner group. The CAC will meet publicly no less than four times annually and:
- Supports the development of site plan (LCAP, Charter, WASC, grant) goals, actions, and expenditures, including those related to family and community engagement.
- At a minimum, biannually evaluate the progress made toward school goals to raise the academic achievement of all students.
- Provides ongoing data-driven review of the implementation and effectiveness of the school site plan(s).
- Provides recommendations on modifications to the site plan(s) to the Yuba County Board of Education for approval whenever a material change in planned activities or related expenditures is needed to address the identified needs.
- Provides site plan goals, actions, and expenditure recommendations to the YCBE.
- Follows procedures for material changes to plans whenever the need arises.
- Carries out all other duties assigned to the CAC by the YCBE, the County Superintendent, or a designee and by state law.
- Reviews and approves any applicable expenditures in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.
- Provides input on general school issues and other charter school interests and activities.
- Provides input on opportunities for educational partner engagement and school wide events.
The CAC complies with the provisions of the Greene Act. The recruitment of advisory council members occurs in multiple formats, including the beginning of the school year publications, back-to-school night, website, campus, community posting, and personal conversations.
The County Superintendent of School’s Advisory Council will be responsible for charter accountability and revision, selection of staff, budget development, and the school calendar. The County Superintendent of Schools’ Advisory Council and all interested students and parents of students in the Charter will meet at least quarterly to ensure direct parental involvement. Recommendations of the council will be by majority vote and subject to the YCOE Superintendent’s approval.
Non-Discrimination Policy
The Governing Board of the YCCPCS is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. YCCPCS programs and activities do not discriminate on the basis of gender, gender identity, age, sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, gender expression, national origin, ethnic group identification, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or the perception of one or more of such characteristics. The Board shall promote programs which ensure that discriminatory practices are eliminated in all district activities.
The tentative dates for 24-25 Charter Advisory Council meetings are:
Tuesdays 4:30pm
Polar Bear Room - 1104 E. Street Marysville CA 95901
- September 24, 2024
- December 17, 2024
- January 28, 2025
- March 25, 2025