Enrollment for New Students
If you are interested in enrolling your student at YCCPCS for the 24/25 school year, please complete this online form:
YCCPCS will count the number of Interest Forms to determine whether any grade level received more interest than availability for 24/25. YCCPCS strives to admit all pupils wishing to enroll, so when there are more openings than Interest Forms, all students are enrolled.
YCCPCS adheres to the requirements related to admission preferences as set forth in Education Code Section 47605(e)(2)(B)(i)-(iv). If YCCPCS receives a greater number of Interest Forms than there are spaces for students in a grade level, impacted grade level admission will be determined through a public random drawing process (lottery), without regard to ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, achievement level, or according to the place of residence of the pupil or parents, except as guided by state law concerning county operated charter schools.
As needed, the lottery will be held before the start of school and will occur in a public place on the school campus that can accommodate all interested educational partners.
An uninterested third party will run the public random drawing. Parents do not have to be present at the drawing to accept their spot, should their child’s name be drawn. Parents whose students are admitted to the drawing will be notified within a week of the drawing, either in writing or by phone. Families are encouraged to call the school office to inquire about their child’s enrollment status. Currently, enrolled students are exempt from the public random drawing process.
Admission preferences in the case of a public random drawing shall be granted to:
1. Siblings of currently enrolled students
2. Residents of Yuba and Sutter Counties
3. All other applicants
In accordance with Education Code Section 47605(c)(5)(H), these preferences are not likely to negatively impact the racial, ethnic, and unduplicated balance YCCPCS strives to reflect. After the public random drawing, all students not granted admission due to capacity shall be allowed to put their name on a waitlist according to their draw in the public random drawing. This waitlist will allow students to enroll in the case of an opening during the school year. A wait list will never carry over to the following school year.
When grade-level capacity is reached after the start of school, families interested in enrollment will be added to the grade-level waitlist on the date and time order requests are received. The families will be placed at the end of any preexisting public random drawing waitlist defined above.
The enrollment process consists of:
- Registering online
- Signing enrollment documents
- Completing a Master Agreement (Independent Studies)
- All students need to complete a reading and a math assessment
- Proof of complete Immunization Records
- Updated Transcript (high school students)
- IEP or 504, if applicable
- Parent/Legal Guardian Identification Card or Driver's License. If you are not a Parent or Legal Guardian, you will need to complete a Caregiver Affidavit in addition to providing your Identification Card/Driver's License.
Note: Incomplete forms will delay enrollment