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Independent Study K-8


K-8 IS Program is designed to fulfill the educational needs of students K-8. IS is truly a commitment on the part of Parents/Guardians to meet your child’s academic needs. You are taking on the role of being their “teacher” at home by:

  1. Providing instruction and curriculum delivery; discuss progress and success with the assigned IS Supervising Teacher.

  2. Completing and monitoring weekly assignments and Assignment Sheets;

  3. Filling in required Learning Logs; check weekly grades and insure progress towards growth and improvement.

  4. Provide opportunities for Community Service. Community Service is an important component of our requirements as stated in the YCCPCS Charter.  Community Service is donated service or activity performed by students for the benefit of the public.  Every student must be actively involved, volunteering in the community two hours per week. Weekly documentation is required to earn credit. Parents/Guardians must sign the “Learning Log” and document hours. Refer to your IS Supervising Teacher for possible activities. 

  5. Attending your child’s regularly scheduled one-hour appointment with an IS Supervising Teacher. 

  6. Your student’s IS Supervising Teacher will provide the following to you and your child:

    • Instructional materials (text/workbooks)

    • Use of chromebooks (computer time on-site)

    • On-site tutoring and group classes as needed

    • Evaluating completed work

    • Support with curriculum delivery and additional resources for assignments

    • School-wide and State assessment delivery (mandatory)