Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
On April 30, 2021, YCCPCS was granted a six-year Accreditation status with a two-day Mid-cycle visit through June 30, 2027.
When a school site goes through the WASC Accreditation process, the WASC visiting team leaves the site with things to work on. Attached is our 2021 WASC Action Plan, which is in complete sync with our LCAP goals.
What is WASC?
WASC is one of six regional accrediting associations in the United States. The Accrediting Commission for Schools, WASC, extends its services to over 4,500 public, independent, church-related, and proprietary pre-K-12 and adult schools, works with 16 associations in joint accreditation processes, and collaborates with other educational organizations. Every public high school must conduct a self-study in order to be an accredited educational institution. The organization that determines the accreditation term is called the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
The Purpose of Accreditation
WASC, developed an accreditation process which involves a dual purpose which continues the expectation that schools must be worthy of the trust placed in them to provide high quality learning opportunities, but with the added requirement that they clearly demonstrate they are about the critical business of continual self-improvement.
Ultimately, the accreditation process is all about fostering excellence in the elementary, secondary, adult, postsecondary and supplementary education programs they accredit. Their fundamental cause involves helping schools meaningfully create the highest quality learning experience they can envision for all students. It is WASC’s consistent purpose to professionally support schools in creating for themselves a clear vision of what they desire their students to know and be able to do and then to ensure that efficient and relevant systems are in place that predictably result in the fulfillment of those expectations for every child.
The capacity of any organization to improve is directly related to its ability to recognize, acknowledge, and act on its identified strengths and limitations. The accreditation process is a vehicle that enables schools to improve student learning and school performance based on an analysis of those strengths and limitations. Participating schools must meet rigorous, research-based standards that reflect the essential elements of a quality and effective school, but again, must also be able to demonstrate engagement in as well as capacity to provide continuous school improvement.
WASC Philosophy
WASC believes the goal of any school should be to provide for successful student learning. Programs encompassing both the cognitive and affective components of learning should foster human growth and development and enable students to become responsible, productive members of the school community and of society. Each school should develop a school purpose to reflect its beliefs. For ongoing program improvement, each school should engage in objective and subjective internal and external evaluations to assess progress in achieving its purpose.
The Commission grants accreditation to a school based upon the following:
The presumption that the primary goals of accreditation are:
- Certification to the public that the school is a trustworthy institution of learning.
- the improvement of the school’s programs and operations to support student learning.
- The school’s self-study and the visiting committee’s report provide compelling evidence that the school is substantially accomplishing its stated purposes and functions identified as appropriate for an institution of its type.
- The school is meeting an acceptable level of quality in accordance with the WASC criteria adopted by the Accrediting Commission.
WASC Mission
The mission of the Commission is to foster excellence in elementary, secondary, adult, and postsecondary education by encouraging school improvement through a process of continuing evaluation and to recognize, by accreditation, schools that meet an acceptable level of quality, in accordance with established criteria.